Our true task in religion
Today, the definition of religion has changed.
It seems that in many cases,
a Hindu
is not a Hindu
he is anti-Muslim
a Muslim
is not a Muslim but
an anti-Hindu.
This explains why a follower
of one
religion thinks of himself as not akin
to those of another,
the contrary,
he treats him as his enemy.
The teachings of religion have
from his vision and the feelings of love,
brotherhood and
which are the essence of true religion,
are overtaken by
enmity and selfishness.
Man has forgotten that God
is one and His only expectation from
creation is love and
for one's fellow creatures.
Those who love their fellow beings
love Him best.
He does not wish us to worship Him as an idol.
He expects
us to be rational and rationality
de mands goodwill to all fellow
irrespective of caste colour or creed.
Obviously in the early days,
men of different regions were different in language,
features and food
habits due to geographical factors.
But basically all human beings are
The entire universe and all mankind living
in it are God's
why do
we kill, burn and rape? Is it not shameful?
The very purpose of religion
as envisaged in the preaching of
prophets is love and dedication to
How sad it is that the very purpose of religion
has been
Do we pause even
for a moment to consider that
enlightened members of society in the 21st century,
we should take it
to heart that we owe
it to God to fight against this
current frenzy of
religious fundamentalism
tooth and nail?
We owe it to the Almighty to
make people
realise that they have been totally
misguided by the
preachers and perpetrators
of this fundamentalism in God's name.
It is better to be
non-Hindu and non-Muslim
than to be
anti-Muslim or anti-Hindu.
How we pray
is private business.
But living together peacefully is
God's enjoined
duty on us
as members of the human family.
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